加强国际能源科技交流 助力区域能源绿色发展

发布时间:2018-03-13 11:06:32作者:秦清、程铁铮(译)

  随着我国“一带一路”建设的水乳交融,为构建“一带一路”能源建设共同体,实现国际绿色、创新能源技术资源共享,深入推进中意国际能源合作。济南积极参与“一带一路”战略实施,推进携河发展,加快新旧动能转换先行区建设,提高省会城市首位度,力争到2020年打造成为“一带一路”重要核心城市。为贯彻落实国家、省、市推进新旧动能转换的重要指示精神,济南热力集团创新发展、积极谋划。3月12日,邀请意大利国立科学研究院专家、意大利国家科学委员会中国项目负责人、中意技术转移中心济南市政府招才引智特聘顾问Minafra Attilio,济南市中意技术转移中心中方负责人李悦,山东省科协学会部副部长孔海生一行来到热力集团参观交流。


  作为国内供热企业,应该如何抓住能源发展机遇,搭上“新旧动能转换”的快车,实现由单一供热企业向供热、制冷、分布式光伏发电等多种业务于一身的综合性能源企业?Minafra Attilio先生介绍,作为在环境保护领域有深厚技术积累的发达工业化国家,意大利的环境保护技术、方法和经验处于全球领先位置,尤其在节能环保、大气污染控制、储能储热、清洁能源应用等领域均有领先的技术和解决方案。意方愿意将先进的环保技术与中国企业共享,并提供技术研究方案及环保知识的新思路,也期待双方在今后能有机会合作擦出更多的火花。


  Jinan Heating Group :Strengthen Communication Exchanges Of International Energy Science And Technology While Promote Green Development Of Regional Energy.

  In order to carry out the important guiding spirit of new and old kinetic energy conversion from nation to province and city ,Jinan Heating Group has innovative development and active planning.The group invited expert of National Academy of sciences of Italy,Mr. Minafra Attilio from Sino-Italian Technology Transfer Center, the Chinese leader of Sino-Italian Technology Transfer Center Mr.Liyue, Deputy Minister of the Association of Science and Technology of Shandong Province Mr. Kong Haisheng to visit Jinan Heating Group and communicate.

  The delegation firstly came to customer service center in Jinan Erhuandonglu Branch, where the staff introduced mobile services car, service hall construction, business handling process, products exhibition, self-service payment machine, hotline service center and mobile energy vehicle .Then they came to the digital dispatch center, the staff explained the digital heating command and dispatch system to the experts and watched the group propaganda film. Subsequently, the two parties had adiscussion around the application and development of clean energy, Clean alternative energy engineering by using waste heat, photovoltaic, gas instead of coal and application and development of urban thermal energy storage system.

  Mr. Minafra Attilio said, as a Developed industrialized country with profound technology accumulation in the field of environmental protection, Italy is in the leading position of the world with advanced environmental protection technology, method and experience , especially the leading technologies and solutions in energy conservation and environmental protection, air pollution control, energy storage and heat storage, clean energy applications.Italy is willing to share the advanced environmental protection technologies with Chinese companies, and provide technical research scheme and the new thought of environmental protection knowledge. He is also looking forward to having more opportunities to cooperate with each other.

  Mr.Luo Yonghuan(the deputy Party secretary of Jinan Heating Group) said, in recent years,Jinan heating Group had four major sectors, energy conservation, electricity, gas and geothermal energy.With the accumulation of industry experience and strength, we aimed to develop urban central heating, improve the support capability of urban central heating ,as well as the implementation of energy conservation and emissions reduction, environmental protection and prevention ,control of atmospheric pollution and heating & cooling work by using clean energy .We are actively seeking the opportunities of energy development and management, the application of clean energy ,cross-regional development and so on .At present, Jinan heating group has realized the network linked and connected ,multi-resources complementation.Our Safe and stable heating network has covered the eastern part of Jinan, Zhangqiu district, Shanghe county andJiyang county,the heating area is over 100 million square meters.Next, Jinan heating group will accelerate the transformation of own development, face to the international market, use of international resources, deepen the international cooperation.We will become the new drivers, new means and new engines of economic development in Jinan with the method of opening.

